Functions to Read Node Operator Information

Navigate to Tranchess Operator Portal. On the left column of the page, you will find a status summary of all operators for quick reference.

For full details, the NodeOperatorRegistry contract implements the view functions to read node operator properties. A few commonly used functions are listed below.

/// @notice Statistics of validator pubkeys from a node operator.
/// @param totalCount Total number of validator pubkeys uploaded to this contract
/// @param usedCount Number of validator pubkeys that are already used
/// @param verifiedCount Number of validator pubkeys that are verified by the contract owner
/// @param depositLimit Maximum number of usable validator pubkeys, set by the node operator
struct KeyStat {
    uint64 totalCount;
    uint64 usedCount;
    uint64 verifiedCount;
    uint64 depositLimit;

/// @notice Node operator parameters and internal state
/// @param operatorOwner Admin address of the node operator
/// @param name Human-readable name
/// @param withdrawalAddress Address receiving withdrawals and execution layer rewards
/// @param rewardAddress Address receiving performance rewards
struct Operator {
    address operatorOwner;
    string name;
    address rewardAddress;
    address withdrawalAddress;
    KeyStat keyStat;

function getOperator(uint256 id) external view returns (Operator memory);
function getRewardAddress(uint256 id) external view returns (address);
function getWithdrawalAddress(uint256 id) external view returns (address);
function getWithdrawalCredential(uint256 id) external view returns (bytes32);
function getKeyStat(uint256 id) external view returns (KeyStat memory);
function getPubkeys(uint256 id, uint256 start, uint256 count) external view returns (bytes[] memory pubkeys)

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